Constructor: Andrew J. Ries
Relative difficulty: Challenging (despite the whole middle being a virtual gimme)
THEME:DOCTORS / WITHOUT / BORDERS (34A: With 36- and 40-Across, organization whose name hints at some missing letters in this puzzle) — four "doctors" are found outside (or "without") the "borders" of the puzzle ...
Theme answers:
Word of the Day:"Juno and the Paycock"(11D: "Juno and the Paycock" setting => DUBLIN) —
Andrew Ries has this week's Fireball too, and both that puzzle and this were (in parts) the kind of "challenging" that I find more annoying than bracing, with attempts at cleverness in cluing that feel more strained than truly clever. (Note: the Fireball is both harder and better) Here, I think there must have been some urgency to toughen things up in the cluing, since the middle mostly just fills itself in once you get a cross or two (I needed only the crosses MR. T and LOGOS, i.e. three total squares, to fill in all of the "revealer"). I realize now that when talking about the difficulty, I'm talking almost exclusively about the NW. Other parts were toughish, but up there I just had empty space for what felt like a long time. Couldn't make any of the Acrosses or Downs work except UNSHAVEN. I had a sense of the org. that was supposed to go at 2D: Pirate-fighting org., but I also knew it was one of those crap pieces of fill I can never remember because I never see it outside of crosswords and don't know what it stands for (RIAA? Recording ... something something? Yes, Recording Industry Association of America. Why not American Recording Industry Association? Now that's a proper (and apt) acronym, that is).
The "cousin" in the TWIN clue threw me (1D: King's little cousin). RIAA ... was RIAA. ESS is somehow "Un-P.C." despite the fact that The Bloggess is a feminist blogger (a million ughs to every part of that clue) (4D: Non-P.C. add-on?). AMMAN I couldn't get from its back end. TRUE DAT already feels about as dated as BLING or GETTING JIGGY WITH IT, and it just didn't occur to me. WINSOME is a *great* word (14A: Appealing in appearance), but with no crosses, no hope. So, that corner was a nightmare. I might've been less hostile to the puzzle's precious cluing if I hadn't seen this theme before. Twice, in fact, in just the past year. Here's a Fireball contest puzzle from last March (by Dave Sullivan):
And here's a Buzzfeed version from just a couple months ago (by Mary Lou Guizzo):
This puzzle has the interesting twist of having the incomplete words (the ones that extend beyond the borders) also be words in their own right, i.e. the grid looks fine as is. REO and EROS are both words on their own. So it appears that there's been some kind of cluing error—what does EROS have to do with [Round numbers?]. It's only when you get the theme (probably) that you understand letters are missing. The other versions of this theme (above) have grids with answers that look like nonsense until you supply the outside-the-borders stuff. Does anyone use the singular COAT TAIL? I should say that I really liked POP-UP STORE (8D: Short-term retail location, nowadays), which feels about as fresh as TRUE DAT ... isn't. I'm not convinced THOUS is a thing. The end.
Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld
[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Facebook]
Relative difficulty: Challenging (despite the whole middle being a virtual gimme)
THEME:DOCTORS / WITHOUT / BORDERS (34A: With 36- and 40-Across, organization whose name hints at some missing letters in this puzzle) — four "doctors" are found outside (or "without") the "borders" of the puzzle ...
Theme answers:
- OREO (9D: Chocolaty goodie) / ZEROS (10D: Round numbers?) (Dr. OZ)
- CHEW(37A) / BOOTH(41A) / BRANDO(45A) (Dr. WHO)
- SAGAN (50D) / LENO (57D) (Dr. NO)
- DROVES (29A) / ROPED (33A) / EDEN (35A) (Dr. DRE)
Word of the Day:"Juno and the Paycock"(11D: "Juno and the Paycock" setting => DUBLIN) —
Juno and the Paycock is a play by Sean O'Casey, and is highly regarded and often performed in Ireland. It was first staged at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 1924. It is set in the working classtenements of Dublin in the early 1920s, during the Irish Civil War period. // It is the second of his "Dublin Trilogy"– the other two being The Shadow of a Gunman (1923) and The Plough and the Stars (1926). (wikipedia)
• • •
Andrew Ries has this week's Fireball too, and both that puzzle and this were (in parts) the kind of "challenging" that I find more annoying than bracing, with attempts at cleverness in cluing that feel more strained than truly clever. (Note: the Fireball is both harder and better) Here, I think there must have been some urgency to toughen things up in the cluing, since the middle mostly just fills itself in once you get a cross or two (I needed only the crosses MR. T and LOGOS, i.e. three total squares, to fill in all of the "revealer"). I realize now that when talking about the difficulty, I'm talking almost exclusively about the NW. Other parts were toughish, but up there I just had empty space for what felt like a long time. Couldn't make any of the Acrosses or Downs work except UNSHAVEN. I had a sense of the org. that was supposed to go at 2D: Pirate-fighting org., but I also knew it was one of those crap pieces of fill I can never remember because I never see it outside of crosswords and don't know what it stands for (RIAA? Recording ... something something? Yes, Recording Industry Association of America. Why not American Recording Industry Association? Now that's a proper (and apt) acronym, that is).
The "cousin" in the TWIN clue threw me (1D: King's little cousin). RIAA ... was RIAA. ESS is somehow "Un-P.C." despite the fact that The Bloggess is a feminist blogger (a million ughs to every part of that clue) (4D: Non-P.C. add-on?). AMMAN I couldn't get from its back end. TRUE DAT already feels about as dated as BLING or GETTING JIGGY WITH IT, and it just didn't occur to me. WINSOME is a *great* word (14A: Appealing in appearance), but with no crosses, no hope. So, that corner was a nightmare. I might've been less hostile to the puzzle's precious cluing if I hadn't seen this theme before. Twice, in fact, in just the past year. Here's a Fireball contest puzzle from last March (by Dave Sullivan):
[photo courtesy of Diary of a Crossword Fiend]
And here's a Buzzfeed version from just a couple months ago (by Mary Lou Guizzo):
[photo courtesy of New Grids on the Block]
Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld
[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Facebook]