Constructor: Joel Fagliano
Relative difficulty: Monday (*for a Monday*)
THEME: They haven't been called stewardesses for like 30 years— The last word of each theme answer describes a type of seat on an airplane
Hey, everybody. PuzzleGirl here with you for your Monday puzzle. Rex is traveling today so asked me to cover for him, which I'm always happy to do because I love you guys! I also love "Orphan Black," which I've been watching with my whole family so I was basically forced to watch two episodes tonight and now it's almost 11:00 which is past my bedtime. So let's make this quick is what I'm saying. Good thing it's Monday.
Theme answers:
Love, PuzzleGirl
Relative difficulty: Monday (*for a Monday*)
THEME: They haven't been called stewardesses for like 30 years— The last word of each theme answer describes a type of seat on an airplane

Theme answers:
- 20A: Lets some air in, say (CRACKS A WINDOW)
- 26A: Compromised, as two parties (MET IN THE MIDDLE)
- 42A: Get hitched (GO DOWN THE AISLE)
- 48A: What the ends of the answers to 20-, 26- and 42- are (AIRPLANE SEATS)
- 10A: "___ out of your league, man!" (SHE'S). I swear my first thought was I'M. Not sure what that says about me, but it's probably not flattering.
- 18A: Muppet with a long bluish nose (GONZO). I don't get this clue. Does Gonzo have a blue nose or not? If not, maybe he should have been described some other way.
- 30A: Actor Damon (MATT).This video right here is the best thing I've ever seen Matt Damon do. Don't watch it if you don't like F-bombs though. They're bleeped out, but still.
- 53A: Mideast's ___ Heights (GOLAN). Quite the Mideast flavor today (see also: GAZA (8D: Mideast's ___ Strip)).
- 59A: Horror film assistant with a Russian name (IGOR). I can never remember if this name is supposed to start with I or Y.
62A: Word that's only coincidentally made up of the four main compass points (NEWS). I really don't understand this clue At All. Is there some reason the word "news" would be made up of the four main compass points for a reason other than coincidence??
- 4D: Sheer awfulness (ENORMITY). Great clue.
- 12D: Shout after the band leaves the stage (ENCORE). My first thought? FREE BIRD. But I guess that's shouted before the band leaves the stage.
- 34D: Facetious fall guy for one's wrongdoings, maybe (EVIL TWIN). Speaking of "Orphan Black." If you haven't seen it, you probably should. Great show.

Love, PuzzleGirl