Constructor: Barry C. Silk
Relative difficulty: Saturdayish
THEME: No theme
Word of the Day: ERI [54D - "Cap'n ___"(1904 novel)] —
Hey, crossword fans. Doug here again. Wow, I lucked out this weekend. I got a Livengood yesterday and a Silk today. Score! Today's puzzle is a classic Barry C. Silk production. Some sports stuff, some oldies music, and a nice wide-open grid pattern. All in all, a spot-on Saturday puzzle for your solving enjoyment.
Were any of you bothered by GO ALL OUT (15A: Pour it on) crossing GO TO YOUR ROOM (8D: Call for a timeout)? I didn't notice the GO duplication while solving, and it doesn't bother me much. I've found that editors tend to be pretty forgiving about minor duplications. And both entries are fun, so really the only reason I mentioned it was to fill up a little space. We substitute bloggers have to meet our quotas.
Signed, Doug Peterson, Warrior Prince of CrossWorld
Relative difficulty: Saturdayish
THEME: No theme
Word of the Day: ERI [54D - "Cap'n ___"(1904 novel)] —
The Golden Boys is a romantic comedy, set on Cape Cod in 1905, about three 70-year-old retired sea captains who try to lure an attractive middle-aged woman into marriage. Developed under the working title Chatham, the film is an adaptation of the Joseph Lincoln novel Cap’n Eri. It stars David Carradine, Rip Torn, Bruce Dern, and Mariel Hemingway. It only made $43,600 at the box office. Ouch! (Wikipedia)
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Were any of you bothered by GO ALL OUT (15A: Pour it on) crossing GO TO YOUR ROOM (8D: Call for a timeout)? I didn't notice the GO duplication while solving, and it doesn't bother me much. I've found that editors tend to be pretty forgiving about minor duplications. And both entries are fun, so really the only reason I mentioned it was to fill up a little space. We substitute bloggers have to meet our quotas.
- PRETZEL LOOP (27A: Roller coaster feature with a food name)— Now that's a fun answer. Other roller coaster elements I found on Wikipedia: batwing, butterfly inversion, cobra roll, demonic knot, hammerhead turn, Norwegian loop, and the dreaded wraparound Immelman.
- WILD CARD TEAM (20D: Underdog playoffs participant)— Great entry. Reminds me of the time the Yankees declined the Wild Card.
- ESAU (25D: Biblical venison preparer)— I thought I'd solved all the ESAU clues, but whaddya know, here's a new one.
- FOR YOUR LOVE (1965 Yardbirds hit)— OK, I admit I didn't know this song. I dig the lead singer's bongo playing.
- ODESSAN (47A: Dweller near the Potemkin Stairs)—Somehow this was the first entry I filled in today. I've had a lot of Odessa facts drilled into my head over the years by crosswords.
- YOUNGER (24A: Like Princess Leia vis-à-vis Luke Skywalker)— They're twins, and I guess Luke was born first. I'm not going to check Wookieepedia to verify. And as you can see, they're quite close.
- VAINER (43D: Like Cinderella's stepsisters vis-à-vis Cinderella)— We all tried UGLIER first, right?
- C SHARP (1D: D preceder)— This is embarrassing, but I didn't know if it was C SHARP or E SHARP until I got the crossing letter from COSMOS. I can never figure out the musical note clues. In my world, they're all just letters randomly followed by SHARP, FLAT, MAJOR, or MINOR.

Signed, Doug Peterson, Warrior Prince of CrossWorld