Channel: Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle
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Cybertruck maker / FRI 11-5-21 / Jimmy of high-end footwear / Life-form led by Optimus Prime in the Transformers movies / Cabbage alternative / Automotive amenity that offers an annual Santa Tracker / Midcruise milieu / Protest movement launched in 2011 familiarly / Acorn by another name / Cousin of a firth / Paraguay's largest city after Asuncion / Big adventure through the concrete jungle

Constructor: Joseph Greenbaum

Relative difficulty: Medium-Challenging

THEME: none 

Word of the Day: RAGTOPS (65A: Stingrays, often) —
  1. a car with a convertible roof. (google)
• • •

The grid seems OK, but I couldn't find this one's wavelength at all, largely because of the clues, which managed to be both harder and duller than usual. The three longest answers are just fine, the rest was something of a shrug. Maybe if I were more into VETTEs and Stingrays, this puzzle would've spoken to me more. Or if I could hear the word GUESSTIMATE without wincing a little. Or if every little clue didn't seem like it was trying so hard to be hard (not so fun struggling to get short junk like ICI and IOU and ADOS). Or maybe it's the absolutely absurd and in my mind disqualifying repetition of the word STAR in the grid (STARDOM, SUPERSTAR). Maybe if the repeated "star" was the literal in-the-sky kind, I wouldn't have minded as much (or noticed), but this is a repetition in sense as well as look, and it's glaring. Makes the grid seem not well tended to, not carefully crafted. You have to rationalize doubling up on STAR, and once you start rationalizing your fill, you are done. I have no idea what an URBAN HIKE is (11D: Big adventure through the concrete jungle). I once walked from the Upper East Side to Chelsea after a crossword tournament—was that an URBAN HIKE? I thought I was just walking a long way, but maybe I was hiking and didn't know it. It was a bit of an adventure. Anyway, got URBAN and then pfft (that little pfft section, with IOU OUTS and SOIL (that clue???) (29D: Sovereign land, so to speak), was therefore even more fussy and annoying than it should've been). Does ONSTAR still exist? Do RAGTOPS have ONSTAR? Does anyone say "ragtop" anymore? I barely recollected the term—why did you need another name for "convertible" that wasn't really much shorter? Where is this PLUS"button" for enlarging an image? Is it on my keyboard? Because I have to hit *Command*-+ to enlarge things, I think. My image-editing software has a little magnifying glass icon with a PLUS symbol in it. Is that it? Nevermind, I don't care, it turns out. I just couldn't get into whatever it was that this puzzle cared about, couldn't relate to its [Vibe] (or ... SENSE? ... I guess), and that's just that. Bad day for me.

I don't think of chilling and VEG-ing as the same thing, somehow (38D: Chill). I think VEG is real dated now. Seems super-'80s, but like many decades-old terms, this one continues to live on in crosswords. NEATO! I just caught sight of OAK NUT and laughed out loud (44D: Acorn, by another name). If you say so. Control your wordlists, people, yeesh. Let's see ... mistakes. ODDBALL definitely set me back (16A: Quirky sort = ODD DUCK), as did BRAS (5D: Word with wonder or designer = DRUG). AILS hurt a lot (26D: Troubles = ADOS), as did TONKA (48D: Cybertruck maker = TESLA). Really glad I didn't see TOPO at all (until now), because that is an excitement-diminisher, for sure. But again, big thumbs up for the three longest answers. DON'T OVERTHINK IT is a worthy marquee answer, and MAKE LOVE NOT WAR is right on the money, slogan-wise. Familiar and enduring and a nice idea to boot. I've been buying more cassettes lately (weird boom in this retro format, not sure why), so I got a CASSETTE PLAYER / CD player that sits right here on my desk. It's a nice alternative to streaming, which is convenient but gives me the urge to switch music too often. Trying anything I can to keep the Distraction Monster from dominating my brain. Thus, my few cassettes get a Lot of play. I press play, it plays one side until it stops, then I turn it over (so satisfying, this little physical intervention), and play the other side. And so on and so on. My current work music (Duett, "Leisure") sounds like it should be playing in an '80s mall, or '80s TV crime drama, or an '80s TV crime drama set in a mall, and sonically that is basically where I want to live forever. 

Hope you enjoyed your encore serving of CHURROS (what a weird coincidence, seeing that one two days in a row) (15A: Dessert order at a Mexican restaurant). Gonna go watch the squirrels gather ... [checks notes] ... OAK NUTS ... now. See you tomorrow.

Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld 

P.S. "Cabbage" is (er, was) slang for money, in case you were wondering wth was going on with that IOU clue (36A: Cabbage alternative?).

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